Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Creative Writing – “Relief”

he phone rang. It broke the silence of my see thing rage. Its high piercing sound blind drunk me for some reason. I wanted to scream.Lisa wouldnt norm every(prenominal)y cause me to feel that way (maybe it wasnt just Lisa, but she had been getting to me recently). As twins we were supposed to share a special bond, and usually we got on really well. Despite organism only four minutes older than Lisa, I often felt strangely antifertility of her.With curly blonde hair and brown eyes we looked totally identical, but the similarities ended there. Lisas favourite word was change upstart outfit, new boyfriend, new hairstyle and so on. I was calmer. I had two very close friends Hannah and Angie, and a steady boyfriend Adam.That was a nonher part of the reason why I was at hearthstone and in such a state. I had just got to the party, after being held up with my friend Laura, who was upset to the highest degree family problems.Things between Adam and I had not been going well recently, and tonight he had arranged to meet me at six, so we could talk. It was nearly seven. I feared the worst, but friends do come first.However I was not prepared for the scene that met my eyes. I stood transfixed. Something sharp went straight through my heart. there stood Lisa and Adam, alone.Two of the people closest to me, I could not believe it. I ran. A huge bubble of emotion was trying in vain to escape from with in me, but it didnt seem to know how. I could feel crying welling up. I wanted to scream, hit someone, collapse in a heap and break down and sink into the ground all at once. Then my emotions quieted and he silent tears began rolling down my cheeks.I reached the deserted bus stop, when the bus came that was deserted too. My whole life seemed deserted. As soon as I was home I dialled Hannahs number then the grim realisation hit me All my friends were at the party, my parents were out, my older brother Phil was out.A fresh wave of rejection, anger, treachery and total e mptiness swept over me, and suddenly I felt very tired. I peeled glowering my clothes and went to bed.How could Lisa have done that? It wasnt something she would do. adoption my clothes? Yes. Shirking chores? Yes. Forgetting favours I asked her? Yes. Trying to sort out my love life with some crazy scheme and making it worse instead? Yes. besides stealing my boyfriend? No.Adam? Did the last 10 months mean nothing to him? What about all the special times we had shared together? What about all the I love yous? I felt the bubble return. That was when the phone rang. I left it to ring. It cut off, and then rang again. This time I answered helloHello, is this the Scott house?YesWho am I speaking to?AliAlison? This is Hertfordshire policeWhat on earth could the police want? A new emotion hit me Fear. I listened with trepidation.There has been an accident on the railway bridge Blue Ford Fiesta, young driver, medium build, blonde curly hair. We believe it to be your sisterLisa. It was Lis a.Where is she? Is she ok? I asked.Shes at Princess Alexandra hospital. I think its best if you get yourself up there as soon as possible. Your parents are there already.I ended the conversation.I walked over to Sarahs to see if her parents drive me. I didnt think about it, I just did it. I couldnt think. Val and Mike were out. I went over to HelensHelens unsounded asked no questions. I couldnt have answered even if she had. She drove me in silence. It was only a twenty minute journey although it seemed to last forever. I was not crying. A strange unemotionality had come over me. I couldnt think or do or feel anything. There seemed to be a gap where my stomach was and my heart was lacing so loudly the whole of Sawbridgeworth could probably hear.Finally we reached the hospital. Helens mum put her arm around me and led me. Somehow she knew where to go. All my resentful thoughts about Lisa had melted. I felt empty, small and absolutely terrified.I found myself sitting in a green cha ir. It was a sick green, the green you always find in hospitals. I could see my dad looking grave, his arm around my mum, who was silently crying. Suddenly I noticed there was an arm around me, it was Adams. I agitate it off.A prepare stood by me he held a glass of water and a small round white tablet. He was telling me to take it.Wheres Lisa? I askedThey did all they could for her. She wanted to tell you something. She kept calling Ali, Ali all the time she was conscious. She said that she loved you. We think she was driving to see you. She was driving very fast, the roadstead are icy He saidHe didnt need to tell me anymore. I knew. Lisa. Lisa was dead. Lisa was dead. It was my fault. I began to cry.Ali, take the pill. You need it It was Adams voice. I could see Charlie and Amy sitting by him, looking concerned and upset. There was something odd about that, but I couldnt figure out what.I couldnt take the pill. They didnt understand. I had killed my sister. If I hadnt gone off sh e never would have driven to see me. They couldnt make me take drugs to numb the pain until there was none.Alison, this is hard enough on your parents as it is, take it for them coaxed the doctorI looked to my dadAli, this is hard on all of us, especially you, take the tablet, darling he said in a hushed tone.Time passed in a blur. I had no idea if it was day or night, or how long I had stayed in my room. My mum kept bringing me those white pills. I was numb. I slept, cried, and just sat for hours, overwhelmed by shock, guilt and sheer emptiness.One morning my mum came in and asked me to come and see Lisas room. I followed her and my dad. For no unvarnished reason I was now feeling scared. My mum opened the door. It felt as though it symbolised something but I didnt know what. I gasped. Lisas room, usually strewn with clothes, constitution and everything else under the sun, was tidy. Moreover all her stuff had been removed and it had been redecorated. I couldnt take it. I broke do wn.Lisa was like my other half, I was incomplete without her. It was like being half dead. My dad looked at me I could see it hurt him even to do that. Would it always be like this? Would I serve as a constant reminder of Lisa?Ali, a voice called. It was a familiar voice. It was Lisa. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was lying in my bed. Lisa was shaking me.Ali, you left the party. I didnt get a chance to tell youI just looked at her, utterly bewildered. I reached out my hand and touched(p) her.Youre alive, I murmured.She looked a me briefly as though I was insane, then carried on,Adam was waiting for you, and you didnt come. It was my fault things were going badly between you two, so I pretended to be you to make it all better. I was going to tell you, but I couldnt find you. I worked out what you saw, and Im sorry.But Lisa, youre alive I stammered.This time she looked at me even more quizzically, so I explained what had happened down to every last detail. Ali, said Angie gently, it was a dream, it must have been. Were all fine, your mum and dad are out, and remember Charlie moved to Belgium in August.I was totally dazed. I felt as if I had been asleep a few century years, instead of a few hours.So Lisa isnt dead and she never went with Adam, I said uncertainly.I cant believe you even thought such a thing exclaimed Lisa. Oh Ali, Im so sorryEveryones downstairs, Ill go down and explain. You come when youre ready. said Angie.I couldnt restrain myself any longer. I whooped and threw my arms around Lisa, who looked shocked but pleased.My residuum was so immense. I would never hate Lisa again. I was close on euphoric. I slipped my arm through Lisas and we went downstairs.Amy and Miranda had made up some sandwiches, and after all that had happened I think we all needed them. I was still incredibly tired, but I felt the sudden urge to hug everyone. My emotions were running so high. When I hugged Adam he stroked my hair and whispered, Im sor ry about everything that happened. I love you.Before I knew it he was kissing me deeply.Charlie phoned to say Happy new year.Everyone looked so happy now. As Lisa said, Its like a dream.We all laughed. It felt so good. Relief.

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